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igor biscan中文是什么意思

用"igor biscan"造句"igor biscan"怎么读"igor biscan" in a sentence


  • 伊戈尔比斯坎


  • " i remember it was a great atmosphere in the stadium , but we were playing well and led 1 - 0 until igor biscan was sent off , " he recalled
    “我记得体育场的气氛很热烈,但是我们踢的很好,直到伊戈尔?比斯坎被罚下都1 0领先”他回忆说。
  • Liverpool kept up the pressure and would have been two goals up if not for fan , who denied a powerful 20 - yard drive by centre - half igor biscan with a fine save
用"igor biscan"造句  
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